cheetos – cheetos store
What could be better than some delicious, crispy Cheetos in your mouth? How about Cheetos on your head? Or in your bathroom. Sound crazy? Welcome to the Cheetos Store.
While on assignment at The Marketing Arm, I was asked to contribute some designs for a brand new online store that Cheetos was opening. Items didn't have to be edible. They just needed to be wacky enough to get people talking. (And buying.) Sort of "off-the-wall meets off-the-rack."
A really hot item. Here's a toilet paper design I illustrated, inspired by Flamin' Hot Cheetos.
A sleeping bag that looks like a Cheetos bag. It's two bags in one!
To complete the look, shoppers could purchase a sleeping cap that resembled a Cheeto. Even in their slumber, they'd appear just like a tasty orange crisp popping right out of the bag!
A charming pet costume, fashioned after Cheetos' dapper spokescat, Chester Cheetah. What four-legged friend wouldn't like to be spotted in this spiffy outfit?
"The world's first-discovered Cheeto," the DNA of which spawned an entire species of delicious snacks which rule the earth's chip aisles to this day.
A fanciful gift box design, complete with spotted ribbon.
Designer label for soft items. Who will you be wearing? Chester Cheetah, of course.