These are a few pieces for Massage Heights, a regional chain of massage and facial retreats. The company's central philosophy is that massage isn't simply an every-now-and-again luxury, but is, in fact, essential for everyday wellness. This earnest ideology directly inspired the tagline "Elevate the Everyday." Therefore (unless the piece promotes facials), the imagery conveys everyday stresses we all confront, contrasted with a headline that eradicates the tension. Just like Massage Heights does.
In-store signage – Brand
In-store signage – Brand
In-store signage – Brand
In-store signage – Holiday
In-store signage – Holiday
In-store signage – Holiday
In-store signage – Valentine's Day. This is one case where we deviated from projecting a visual of stress onto the model. The target for this holiday skewed heavily male, quite likely a bunch of guys dumbfounded once again about what to get their ladies for Valentine's Day. Our message: What else can you give her besides candy, fellas? How about a gift card for a relaxing massage. This "hint, hint" brought to you courtesy of Massage Heights. You're welcome.
Mother's Day ad