This has to be one of my favorite things I’ve ever created. What started one summer as drawing pet portraits transformed into a line of 200+ greeting cards. I wrote, designed and illustrated every one in the bunch. To my delight, the line found its way into many of Dallas’ favorite gift stores. A pack of cute dog drawings introduced the series, but it eventually grew to include other unique pieces of my imagination. The best part? It made MY day to know I could make someone ELSE’S day.
What you'll see here are just a few samples from the collection.

DOG SERIES – This is where it all started. I created this first part of my collection when I didn't have a dog (but wanted one). Then I got a corgi – sweet Emory! – and began to explore where else the line could go.

LABEL TAPE SERIES – These things are challenging to make, but I really love them. Classic hand-punched label tape works as a line to form a core part of the illustration.

SYMBOL SERIES – International motifs are hilarious to me, especially because they're not even trying to be. Just a push here and a nudge there turned these everyday symbols into signs I'd really like to see.